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Executive committee

The Executive Committee, in accordance with Article 524bis of

the Company Code, is composed, apart from its Chairman Mr.

Jean-Edouard Carbonnelle (CEO), of two Executive Directors, Mr.

Xavier Denis (COO) and Mrs. Françoise Roels (Secretary General &

Group Counsel), and of Mr. Jérôme Descamps (CFO). Each member

of the Executive Committee has a specific area of responsibility.

The Committee meets weekly. It is responsible for the company’s

operational management.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Law of 12.05.2014 concerning

Regulated Real Estate Companies, the members of the Executive

Committee are effective directors within the meaning of this

Article and are also responsible for the day-to-day running of the


The Executive Committee’s operating rules are detailed in its char-

ter, which can be viewed on the website


Role of the Executive Committee

Its role is to:

propose the company strategy to the Board of Directors;

execute the strategy retained by the Board of Directors,

including the decisions to acquire or dispose of buildings or

shares of real estate companies;

carry out the day-to-day management of the company and

report on these matters to the Board of Directors.

Current composition

Jean-Edouard Carbonnelle

Chief Executive Officer

Joined Cofinimmo in November 1998 as Chief Financial Officer

and was appointed Chief Executive Officer in 2012. Before that,

he worked for the Group Société Générale of Belgium, first in the

holding company and subsequently as Director and Chief Financial

Officer of the Diamant Boart Group (abrasive tools) and lastly,

briefly, as Investor Relations Manager at Union Minière (non-ferrous

metals). He began his professional career in the department of

industrial and mining projects at the World Bank. He is a graduate

in Commercial Engineering (Solvay Business School - ULB 1976)

and holds a Master of Business Administration (Wharton School -

University of Pennsylvania 1977).

Xavier Denis

Chief Operating Officer

Joined Cofinimmo in 2002 as Head of Project Development and Area

Manager. Before coming to Cofinimmo, he worked as an architect in

London between 1996 and 2001 at Chapman Taylor and HOK Sport,

which became Populous. He has 15 years of experience in tech-

nical, financial and commercial management of property projects

and portfolios. He is a Civil Engineer Architect (Catholic University

of Louvain 1996) and holds a Master of Business Administration

(INSEAD 2002).

Jérôme Descamps

Chief Financial Officer

Joined Cofinimmo in October 2014. He previously worked as Chief

Financial Officer for Société de la Tour Eiffel, a SIIC (Société d’In-

vestissement Immobilier Cotée) listed on Euronext Paris. Before

that, he worked as Chief Financial Officer at the Awon Group (Soros

Real Estate) and as Management Controller for ISM (a real estate

company owned by GDF Suez, then by General Electric Capital).

He is MRICS certified (member of the Royal Institute of Chartered

Surveyors) and a graduate of the École Supérieure de Gestion de

Paris (Finances).

Françoise Roels

Secretary General & Group Counsel

Joined Cofinimmo in August 2004. She is the head of the legal

department and is in charge of the Company’s General Secretariat.

She is responsible for Cofinimmo’s compliance and risk manage-

ment functions, as well as aspects connected with shareholders

and relations with the Belgian financial supervisory authorities.

She also supervises the company’s human resources and tax

departments. Before coming to Cofinimmo, Françoise Roels

worked for the law firm Loyens, for Euroclear/JP Morgan and for the

Belgacom Group. She was responsible for tax affairs and Corporate

Governance. She is a law graduate (RUG 1984), examinee in philos-

ophy (RUG 1984) and holds a master’s diploma in taxation (Ecole

Supérieure des Sciences Fiscales 1986).

Françoise Roels

Jean-Edouard Carbonnelle

Jérôme Descamps

Xavier Denis