General information
Standing document
Cofinimmo: public Regulated Real Estate Company incorporated
under Belgian Law or public RREC incorporated under Belgian Law.
The registered and administrative offices are established at 1200
Brussels, Boulevard de la Woluwe/Woluwedal 58 (Tel. +32 2 373 00
00). The registered offices may be transferred to any other place in
Belgium by a simple decision of the Board of Directors.
The Company is entered in the Register of Legal Persons (R.L.P.)
of Brussels under the No. 0426 184 049. Its VAT number is BE 0426
184 049.
Cofinimmo was set up as a limited liability company incorporated
under Belgian Law (Société Anonyme/Naamloze Vennootschap)
on 29.12.1983, by deed enacted before Notary André Nerincx in
Brussels, published in the annexes of the Belgian Official Gazette
(Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad) of 17.02.2015 under the
No. 0025656. The Company has the legal form of a limited liability
company incorporated under Belgian Law.
On 01.04.1996, Cofinimmo was recognised as a Sicafi/Bevak – fixed
public capital Real Estate Investment Trust incorporated under
Belgian Law, registered with the Financial Services and Markets
Authority (FSMA).
Since 06.11.2014, it is submitted to the legal regime of Regulated
Real Estate Companies provided for in the Law of 12.05.2014
regarding Regulated Real Estate Companies. The Company has as
sole purpose to (a) provide, directly or through a company in which
it holds a stake in accordance with the provisions of the RREC reg-
ulation, buildings for users and (b), within the limits set by the RREC
regulation, hold property assets mentioned in Article 2, 5°, vi to x
of the RREC Law.
The Company is also submitted to the provisions of the Royal
Decree of 13.07.2014 regarding Regulated Real Estate Companies.
The Articles of Association have been amended on various occa-
sions, the last of which was on 12.01.2015 by deed enacted before
Notary-in-Partnership Louis-Philippe Marcelis in Brussels, pub-
lished in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette (Moniteur
Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad) of 17.02.2015 under the No. 0025656.
The Company makes issues for general subscription within the
meaning of Article 438 of the Company Code.
The Company is constituted for an unlimited term.
3.1) The Company’s sole purpose is to:
(a) provide, directly or through a company in which it holds a stake
in accordance with the provisions of the RREC regulation, buildings
for users and;
(b), within the limits set by the RREC regulation, hold property
assets mentioned in Article 2, 5°, vi to x of the RREC Law.
By property asset, we mean:
i. Buildings as defined in Articles 517 and following of the Civil Code
and real rights on buildings, excluding forests, farmland or mines;
ii. Shares or stakes with voting rights issued by property compa-
nies, controlled exclusively or jointly by the Company;
iii. Option rights on property assets;
iv. Shares of public or institutional Regulated Real Estate
Companies, provided, in the latter case, that a joint or exclusive
control is exercised on it by the Company;
v. Rights from contracts granting the Company a finance lease on
one or several assets or giving it other similar rights of use;
vi. The shares of public Sicafis/Bevaks;
vii. The shares of foreign organisations for collective real estate
investment listed in Article 260 of the RREC Law;
viii. The shares of organisations for collective real estate investment
established in another member state of the European Economic
Area and not listed in Article 260 of the RREC Law, provided that
they are submitted to a surveillance equivalent to that applied to
public Sicafis/Bevaks;
ix. Shares or stakes issued by companies (i) having legal person-
ality; (ii) incorporated under the Law of another member state of
the European Economic Area; (iii) which shares are admitted for
negotiation on a regulated market and/or are subject to a pruden-
tial supervision; (iv) which have as main activity the acquisition or
construction of buildings with a view to accommodate users, or
the direct or indirect holding of stakes in certain types of entities
with a similar corporate purpose; and (v) which are exempted from
income taxation with regard to gains resulting from the activity
described under (iv) above, providing the respect of constraints,
of which at least the legal obligation to distribute a share of their
revenues to their shareholders (Real Estate Investment Trusts, or
General information