Boulevard de la Woluwe/Woluwedal, 58
B - 1200 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 373 00 00
Fax +32 2 373 00 10
R.L.P. of Brussels
VAT: BE 0426 184 049
www.cofinimmo.comSEND US YOUR FEEDBACK
info@cofinimmo.beFOR MORE INFORMATION
Valérie Kibieta
Head of External Communication and Investor Relations
Valérie Kibieta
Stéphanie Lempereur
Buildings: Evgeniy Abrosimov, Art & Buid Architect, Marc Detiffe, Etau Architects, Yvan Glavie, Pierre Lallemand,
Oilinwater Design Studio et Gijs Vanhee
Portraits: David Plas
Printer Dereume
This document is printed on X-Per paper (cover and chapters “Risk factors” and “Management report”)
and on Arco Print paper (chapters “Annual accounts”, “Standing document” and “Glossary”).
Ce Rapport Financier Annuel est également disponible en français.
Dit Jaarlijks Financieel Verslag is eveneens beschikbaar in het Nederlands.
This English Annual Financial Report is a translation of the French Annual Financial Report. Only the French Report
constitutes legal evidence. This Report was translated under the responsibility of Cofinimmo. The French Annual
Financial Report is available upon request at the company’s registered office.
This document contains regulated information within the meaning of the Royal Decree of 14.11.2007 on the
obligations of issuers of financial instruments admitted to trading on a regulated market.
This Annual Financial Report is a registration document in the sense of Article 28 of the Law of 16.06.2006 on public
offerings of investment instruments and the admission of investment instruments authorised to trading on a
regulated market.
It has been approved by the FSMA in accordance with Article 23 of the aforementioned Law, on 29.03.2016.