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Changes in (future) market

interest rates

1. Revaluation of financial




2. Negative impact on financial


3. Negative impact on the net

asset value and on the result of

the period.

4. Downward adjustment of the

Group’s rating with negative

impact on cost of financing

and on liquidity (see “Change

of the Group’s public rating”).

5. Negative impact under IAS

39 and on the result of the

period: in 2014, given the

persistent low interest rates

(Euribor 3 months at 0.078%

at the end of 2014), Cofinimmo

cancelled FLOOR options until

the end of 2017, with a 3%

strike for a nominal amount

of €600 million. The total cost

of the restructuring stood at

€57 million, booked under the

income statement at 31.12.2014.

Part of the debt is contracted at floating rate or immediate

conversion from fixed to floating rate.

Interest rates locked in over a minimum of three years and for at

least 50% of the debt.

Use of derivative instruments (Interest Rate Swaps and CAP and

FLOOR options) to lock the interest rate into a corridor between a

minimum and a maximum rate. (1, 2, 3)

In 2015, assuming the structure and the level of debt remain

identical to those at 31.12.2014, and taking into account the

hedging instruments put in place for 2015, a 0.5% increase or

decrease in interest rates would not have a significant impact on

the cost of financing.

At 31.12.2014, 29.3% of the debt is financed at fixed rate while

70.7% is financed at floating rate.

In the absence of any hedging, an interest rate increase of ten

base points would increase charges by €1.23 million.

Over 70% of the floating debt is hedged using derivatives until


Immediate outlay which will be compensated by lesser financial

charges during the coming years. In the future, Cofinimmo will

continue its cautious hedging policy. Cofinimmo fixed new

hedges in the form of IRS until the end of 2017 for a notional

amount of €400 million with an average strike of 0.51%.

Increase in credit margins

Increase in financial charges.

Diversification of sources of borrowing designed to optimise

average credit margins and capital raised over the medium and

the long term at fixed margins.

Non-renewal or termination of

financing contracts

Negative impact on liquidity.

Ten renowned banks.

Different sources of financing: bank debt, issue of convertible and

non-convertible bonds, etc.

Refinancing carried out at least 12 months in advance in order to

optimise conditions and liquidity.

Change in the fair value of

hedging instruments

Positive or negative effect on

shareholder’s equity and intrinsic

value per share.

If Cofinimmo had closed its

positions at 31.12.2014, the

settlement amount would have

stood at €-125.16 million (vs.

€-105.44 million at 31.12.2013).

The cost of closing the positions

if the interest rates had been 1%

above or below the reference

rates would have stood at

€-57.93 million (vs. €-28.21 million

at 31.12.2013) and €-169.35 million

(vs. €-185.26 million at 31.12.2013)


Cofinimmo uses hedging for its entire portfolio, not for specific

credit lines.

Deflation risk

Negative impact on rental income.

The leases usually provide that the new rent may not be lower

than either the previous rent or the rent of the first year of the


Indexation of a minority of technical charges may be higher than

that applied to rents.


Interest rate derivatives being stated at market value.