Jean-Edouard Carbonnelle - CEO Cofinimmo
Global warming is proven. COP21 was a success. What are
the issues for Cofinimmo?
We signed the charter that encouraged the Belgian govern-
ment to adopt a very proactive attitude at the COP21 confer-
ence in December 2015 in Paris.
With transport, real estate is the largest energy consuming
sector. Since many years, we aim to improve the average
consumption of our buildings, and we will increase our efforts
in this direction, in full collaboration with our tenants.
Real estate is sensitive to demographics. What influence
can new migration flows have?
There’s no need for supplementary constructed surface areas
if demography does not require more housing, workspaces,
surface areas for healthcare, etc. Migration flows to Europe
are immense political and economic challenges. There is a
need to produce housing necessary to accommodate these
migrants. We studied then completed the conversion of two
office buildings in the Brussels-Capital Region into 24,000 m²
of apartments, and we are currently involved in two other
conversions: one into apartments, and the other into a nurs-
ing home for elderly people.
Is the conversion of office buildings an opportunity or a
challenge for Cofinimmo?
Constructions must be adapted to actual needs of the city in
order to respond to how future generations will live. It is within
that framework that these buildings must be converted, add-
ing sustainable quality by using the latest techniques, and
ensuring later that they are properly operated.
The recycling of materials and the circular economy have
been increasingly discussed. Is that the case for buildings?
We always hope to keep the structure of a building, even if a
large-scale renovation is necessary. However, sometimes we
prefer to demolish and rebuild. Either way, we try to use the
latest, most effective materials, that will enhance a building’s
life cycle.
What means are you implementing to achieve your sustaina-
ble development goals?
It’s primarily a matter of internal organisation. Our techni-
cal departments handle the entire issue of renovation of
our buildings, and we have a “Sustainability Committee”
responsible for defining policies, as well as an “Environmental
Manager” who monitors all regional and national regulations.
This person is also tasked with encouraging all of us within
the company to think about what we can do more and better
each year – next year and the coming years– in a very long-
term perspective.
These sustainable development goals cannot be achieved
without additional financial resources. In 2015 our sharehold-
ers entrusted us with 285 million EUR of additional equity, half
of which will be assigned to improve our portfolio buildings’
performance and the balance will be used for acquisitions.
The population of elderly people is an extremely important
topic for real estate needs over the coming years in Brussels,
in the various regions of the country and abroad. Our health-
care real estate portfolio, which is now Cofinimmo’s main
area, stretches across four countries. Its primary target is
operators of medical retirement homes as well as operators
of facilities dedicated to rehabilitation, psychiatric care,
and care for the disabled. In short, focus is on the medium
and long term. But we’ve also started to invest in buildings
intended for short-term treatment, and we aim to help hospi-
tals, being large entities, by funding annex buildings working
on rehabilitation or serving as medical office buildings and
medical consultation centres.
The full interview with Jean-Edouard Carbonnelle is
available at