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This corporate governance statement adheres to the provisions of

the Belgian 2009 Corporate Governance Code (“2009 Code”) as well

as the Law of 06.04.2010 amending the Company Code. The Royal

Decree of 06.06.2010 recognised the 2009 Code as the only applica-

ble code. The Code is available on the website of the Belgian Official

Gazette (Moniteur Belge/Belgisch Staatsblad), as well as on the website

The Board of Directors declares that, to its knowledge, the exercised cor-

porate governance fully complies with the 2009 Corporate Governance


The company’s Corporate Governance Charter can be viewed on its web-


. Its latest adaptation occurred on 21.03.2013.


In accordance with the Corporate Governance rules and with the different

laws applicable to collective investment bodies, Cofinimmo has set up a

risk management and internal control procedure.

To do so, the company has chosen as reference procedure the Enterprise

Risk Management (ERM) model developed by COSO (Committee

of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission). COSO


is an organisation that stems from the private sector and

which purpose is to promote the improvement of the financial reporting

quality through the application of business ethics rules, an effective inter-

nal control system and corporate governance rules.

The ERM model has six components:

internal environment;

setting of objectives and risk appetite;

identification, analysis and control of risks;

control activities;

information and internal communication;

surveillance and monitoring.


The internal environment includes the vision, the integrity, the ethical val-

ues, people’s skills, the way in which the Executive Committee assigns

authority and responsibilities, organises and trains the staff, all under the

control of the Board of Directors.

At Cofinimmo, the corporate culture incorporates risk management by

means of:

Corporate Governance rules and the existence of an Audit

Committee and a Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate

Governance Committee, composed of Independent Directors within

the meaning of Article 526ter of the Company Code, of an Internal

Auditor, a Risk Manager, a Management Controller and a Compliance


the Executive Committee’s integration of the notion of risk for any

investment, transaction or commitment with a significant impact on

the company’s objectives;

the existence of a Code of Conduct dealing with conflicts of interest,

professional secrecy, purchase and sale of shares, prevention of

misuse of corporate funds, acceptance of business gifts, com-

munication and respect of individuals;

the adherence to segregation principles and the application of rules

regarding the delegation of powers clearly established at all levels of

the company;

the existence in the human resources area of selection criteria,

personnel hiring rules, a training policy, a periodic performance

assessment procedure and the fixing of annual objectives;

the follow-up of procedures and the formalisation of processes.

External actors also participate in this risk control environment, in particu-

lar the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA), company audi-

tors, legal consultants, independent real estate experts, banks, the credit

rating agency Standard & Poor’s, financial analysts and shareholders.


The strategy is determined annually by the Board of Directors on the basis

of a proposal of the Executive Committee. It is then translated into operat-

ing, conformity and reporting objectives at the company’s different oper-

ating levels, from the most global level to its application in functional units.

A budget, which translates the company’s objectives into figures, is drawn

up annually and checked every quarter. It includes forecasted revenue

items such as rents for the year, as well as property costs linked to the

management and development of the property portfolio, and financial

costs linked to the business financing structure. The budget is approved

by the Executive Committee and then submitted to the Board of Directors,

which then approves it.

Cofinimmo sees that it maintains high standards of corporate governance and assesses its methods

against the principles, practices and requirements in this field.




Management Report

/ Corporate Governance Statement

