The Executive Committee is assisted by a team of managers. Each manager reports directly to one of the members of the Executive Committee
and assumes the responsibility in a specific managerial domain.
1 Sébastien Berden
Head of Healthcare
2 Yeliz Bicici
Head of Development
3 Chantal Cabuy
Head of Human Resources & Internal
4 Hanna De Groote
Environmental Manager
5 Valérie De Vos
Head of Document Lifecycle Organisation
6 Ingrid Daerden
Head of Treasury & Project Financing
7 Steve Deraedt
Head of Information Technology
8 Andrée Doucet
Sr Corporate Legal Officer
9 Aline Etienne
Corporate Legal Officer
10 Ellen Grauls
Investor Relations Manager
11 Jimmy Gysels
Head of Business Unit Pubstone
Rules concerning conflicts of interest
In compliance with Article 523 of the Company Code, any member of
the Board of Directors who, whether directly or indirectly, has a finan-
cial interest which conflicts with a decision or operation involving the
Board of Directors may not attend the proceedings of this Board.
In certain circumstances, the following situations may also give rise to
the application of Article 523 of the Company Code and may be consid-
ered as potential conflicts of interest:
regarding the Directors appointed on a proposal by Bank Degroof
Petercam and Belfius Insurance: if transactions arise between these
respective companies and Cofinimmo for which these companies
have an opposing interest to that of Cofinimmo;
regarding Mr. Gaëtan Hannecart: if transactions arise between
Cofinimmo and the Matexi Group of which Gaëtan Hannecart is
Managing Director and for which the Matexi Group would have an
opposing interest to that of Cofinimmo.
In view of the absence of any conflict of interest, the Board of Directors
did not draw up any report for 2015, in application of Articles 523 and
524 of the Company Code.
Article 37 of the Law of 14.05.2014 relating to Regulated Real Estate
Companies states special provisions where one of the persons
referred to in this Article (Director or shareholder of a subsidiary of the
public or institutional RREC) acts as counterparty in an operation with
the RREC or a company it controls.
The company applied Article 37 of the Law of 14.05.2014 relating to
Regulated Real Estate Companies on two occasions:
as part of the acquisition of the shares of the SPRL/BVBA Terra 13,
since the main shareholder of this company was the Senior Assist
group, a company that held at the time a 5% interest in the capital of
Silverstone, an institutional Regulated Real Estate Company, and,
as part of the sale of Cofinimmo’s entire interest in SA/NV
Silverstone (95% representing all of the category A shares), an
institutional Regulated Real Estate Company, to the SARL/BVBA,
MRE-Silverstone-B, whose controlling shareholders are identical to
those of the Senior Assist Group, which held at the time a 5% interest
in the capital of the SA/NV Silverstone, referred to above;
Code of Conduct
Cofinimmo’s Code of Conduct explicitly stipulates that the members
of the Company Bodies and of the Personnel undertake to refrain from
seeking from third parties, and to refuse, any remuneration, in cash or
in kind, or any personal advantage offered by reason of their profes-
sional association with the company.
Whistleblowing policy
Cofinimmo provides for a whistleblowing procedure to cover situa-
tions in which a person within the company and in general all persons
performing work on behalf of the company raises a concern about an
irregularity that he or she observes affecting or likely to affect third
parties, such as clients, suppliers, other members of the company, the
company itself (its portfolio and its results, as well as its reputation),
its subsidiaries or the general interest.
12 Dirk Huysmans
Head of Offices Belgium
13 Valérie Kibieta
Head of External Communication & Investor
14 Stéphanie Lempereur
Head of Corporate Finance & Control
15 Pascale Minet
Head of Accounting
16 Valéry Smeers
Head of Tax
17 Domien Szekér
Head of Project Management
18 Jean Van Buggenhout
Head of Property Services & Corporate
Social Responsibility
19 Caroline Vanstraelen Corporate Legal Officer
20 Sophie Wattiaux
Corporate Legal Officer