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The Nomination, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee

has assessed the achievement of the 2015 objectives of the members

of the Executive Committee and proposed to the Board of Directors a

variable remuneration of 60% of the fixed annual remuneration. This

proposal was accepted by the Board of Directors.

From financial year 2013, and in strict application of the Law of

06.04.2010, the Board of Directors decided to grant half of variable

remuneration in cash and the other half in the form of a “phantom

stock unit plan” bonus spread over time. This plan consists in liqui-

dating in cash and over three years the exchange value of Cofinimmo

ordinary shares subject to a phantom free award.

During its meeting of 04.02.2016, the Board of Directors decided (i) to

spread the awarding of the remuneration for 2015 over a period of

three years, and (ii) for half of the variable remuneration, to determine

the final amount which will be awarded in 2017 and 2018 based on the

evolution of the ordinary Cofinimmo share price from the provisional

attribution date of 04.02.2016.

This variable remuneration will therefore be spread over three years

with a 50% share of variable remuneration paid in 2016, 25% definitively

allocated in February 2017 and the final 25% definitively allocated in

February 2018.

In order to be able to determine the amount of the variable remu-

neration to definitively allocate in 2017 and 2018, half of the variable

remuneration as determined on 04.02.2016 is notionally converted into

a number of ordinary shares (stock units) by dividing it by the market

fair value of the share on that date.

These units will be converted into a cash amount at the time of defini-

tive allocation. This amount is determined by multiplying the prede-

termined number of shares by the market fair value of the share in

the company on the definitive allocation date, increased by the gross

dividend allocated since the provisional allocation date.

A detailed description of the bonus share plan can be seen in

Appendix I of the Corporate Governance charter, which is available at

the company’s website



For financial year 2016, the granting of the variable remuneration will

depend on the achievement of the following key objectives:

net current result (25%);

operational management of large-scale projects (25%);

occupancy rate of the office portfolio (15%);

cost/income ratio (10%);

other (25%).

Stock Option Plan

The stock option plan was offered for the first time in 2006. Its main

objective is to encourage the maximisation of Cofinimmo’s long-term

value by linking management’s interests to those of the shareholders

and to strengthen the long-term outlook.

Stock options are granted in a discretionary manner to the members

of the Executive Committee. No goal is set in this respect. The Board

of Directors deems that this remuneration is therefore not to be con-

sidered as a variable remuneration within the meaning of the Law of

06.04.2010. An option’s exercise period amounts to 10 years from the

date of the offer.

On the recommendation of the Nomination, Remuneration and

Corporate Governance Committee, the Board of Directors decided

during its session on 11.06.2009 to extend the period of exercise of

options granted in 2006, 2007 and 2008 by five years, in applica-

tion of the Economic Stimulus Law (Loi de Relance Économique) of


Stock options can only be exercised after the expiry of the third

calendar year following the year of granting and can therefore only be

exercised afterv the civil maturity following the year of granting. If the

options have not been exercised at the end of the exercise period, they

become null and void ipso facto. In the event of voluntary or involun-

tary departure (excluding premature termination for serious reasons)

of a beneficiary, the stock options accepted and vested may be exer-

cised until the initial end date of the plan. Retirement is an exception,

however. Options which have not been vested are cancelled. In the

event of the involuntary departure of a beneficiary for serious reasons,

all stock options accepted but not exercised, whether vested or not,

are cancelled.

These conditions governing acquiring and exercising options in the

event of departure, whether voluntary or involuntary, shall apply with-

out prejudice to the powers of the Board of Directors to apply waivers

to these provisions in favour of the beneficiary, based on objective and

relevant criteria. The shares which may be acquired in connection with

the exercise of the options are listed on Euronext Brussels. They are

of the same type and carry the same rights as the Cofinimmo ordinary

shares existing at the time of the offering. The shares are registered.

A detailed description of the stock options plan can be viewed in

Appendix I of the Corporate Governance charter, available on the

company website


). Cofinimmo applies IFRS 2

by recognising the fair value of stock options on the date when they

were granted (i.e. three years) according to the progressive acquisition

method as vesting occurs. The annual cost of the progressive vesting

is recognised under the item “Personnel charges” on the income


Stock options





Fair value on

date granted

Plan 2006


129.27 EUR

26.92 EUR

Plan 2007

12.06.2022 143.66 EUR

35.79 EUR

Plan 2008

12.06.2023 122.92 EUR

52.47 EUR

Plan 2009


86.06 EUR

51.62 EUR

Plan 2010


93.45 EUR

44.50 EUR

Plan 2011


97.45 EUR

45.29 EUR

Plan 2012


84.85 EUR

41.07 EUR

Plan 2013


88.12 EUR

49.59 EUR

Plan 2014


88.75 EUR

34.33 EUR

Plan 2015


95.03 EUR

30.68 EUR

Savings and Provident Scheme

The savings and provident scheme aims to reduce as much as

possible the gap between the resources available to the beneficiaries

before their retirement and those that will be available to them after.

Supplementary pensions are financed exclusively from Cofinimmo

contributions. The members of the Executive Committee benefit from a

defined-contribution group insurance plan with an insurance company.

The group insurance provides for (i) payment of a lump sum benefit

to the insured person on reaching retirement age, (ii) payment of a

lump sum death benefit, in the event that the insured person dies

before retirement age, to the beneficiaries of the insured person (plus

an additional sum in the case of death due to accident), (iii) payment

of invalidity benefit in the case of accident or illness (other than work

related), and (iv) exemption from insurance premiums in the case of

accident or illness.