Nine priority issues
Responses / actions
In 2013-2014, Cofinimmo converted the Livingstone I and Woluwe
34 office buildings into 191 housing units. In April 2015, the project to
redevelop Belliard 40, which was awarded the IBGE/BIM “Exemplary
Building 2011” award will begin. This is a landmark building which
will bring a new dynamic to Rue Belliard with its combination of
offices, housing and shops. During the course of the year, renova-
tion of the Arts/Kunsten 19H project is also set to begin, following
the winning project of an architecture competition.
Cofinimmo’s position allows it to influence the aesthetics and diversity of districts through its investment
decisions, even if they are above all based on economic considerations. By converting certain vacant
office buildings, it is able, from the design stage, to restore diversity to districts (housing units or nursing
homes in office districts), thereby improving the appeal of its buildings (proximity of schools, shops and
leisure facilities) and reducing the need to commute between home, work and shopping areas.
The buildings’ architectural appeal also helps to improve their occupants’ standing and the brand image
of the companies operating in them. Cofinimmo aims to contribute to the beauty and harmony of the city
by encouraging the construction of emblematic buildings which can be real landmarks contributing to
the profile of the city and the development of tourism.
Aesthetics, respect for public
spaces and the diversity of districts
Peter-Paul Ramselaar, Head of “Buildings policy” sector, European
Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB)
Sustainable development in real estate must now be
considered at the level of a whole district and certainly
take into account more than a single building.