Diversity (cultural, generational, linguistic, gender, etc.) and
equal opportunity are anchored in Cofinimmo’s corporate
culture. Diversity makes it possible to expand points of view,
nourish exchanges between individuals, and thus come up
with innovative solutions in the various activities.
As part of the “Diversity Label”, Cofinimmo works to maintain
its commitment in this area, which is reflected at a number of
different levels:
• that of recruitment, by strengthening interaction with
young people in particular;
• that of human resources management, by offering coach-
ing and training in stress management (generative individ-
ual coaching and team coaching);
• external positioning of the company, by continued net-
working actions and testimonials on the issue of diversity
within companies.
In addition, Cofinimmo also pays attention to the evolu-
tion towards gender parity at all levels of the company.
Among other things, it supports the association Women on
Board which promotes the inclusion of women on Boards of
In 2015, nine staff members were taken on, with
five departures and four new positions.