• Cofinimmo will continue to comply
rigorously with transparency and ethics
• Through entrusted missions, the internal
auditor will continue to work to detect
possible cases of fraud.
• Formal adoption of the code of conduct
drafted by the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
for all real
estate activities.
Cofinimmo’s Corporate Governance Charter* describes a
series of rules, procedures, and practices that define how
the company is managed and controlled. The Company
has adopted the 2009 Belgian Corporate Governance
Code (“2009 Code”) as its code of reference.
This Charter advocates for transparency in decisions taken
at all levels of the company. On a daily basis, employees
comply with a Code of Conduct and corporate values.
Cofinimmo emphasises the principles of honesty, integrity,
and fairness in all areas and expects a similar attitude
from third parties with which it maintains business
Attempted corruption is the subject of a specific article in
the general purchasing terms and conditions, appended
to any order, and its occurrence would be severely
punished. Any form of fraud or misappropriation is
prohibited and very strict rules govern calls for tenders, by:
the application of the double signature method for any
the approval of financial statements by an outside
the consultation of a relevant number of suppliers or
service providers and a rotation among those invited
to submit offers;
the presence of an internal auditor;
a whistleblowing policy
Since 2000, Cofinimmo has periodically provided an
up-to-date vademecum to real estate agents. It specifies
in detail the rules of collaboration and remuneration
applied for the marketing of Cofinimmo’s buildings.
* The Corporate Governance rules are described in detail in the 2015 Annual Financial Report starting on page 108 and can be found on the company’s website
** All employees must be able to report ethical misconduct without feeling threatened in their relationship with the company.
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2016 Objectives