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Notes to the Consolidated Accounts

\ Annual Accounts

NOTE 45.


The emoluments and insurance premiums borne by Cofinimmo and its

subsidiaries for the benefit of the members of the Board of Directors,

charged to the income statement, amount to €2,215,043 of which

€381,593 are attributed to post-employment benefits.

The chapter “Corporate Governance Statement” of this Annual Financial

Report includes the composition of the various decision-making bodies

and the tables on the remuneration of the Non-Executive and Executive


The difference between the amount under the income statement and that

stated in the tables is explained by movements in provisions.

The Directors are not beneficiaries of the profit-sharing scheme, which

exclusively concerns the employees of the Group.

As a reminder, at the end of 2011, Cofinimmo signed a joint venture with the

entity FPR Leuze. In April 2012, Cofinimmo signed a second joint venture

with the entity Cofinea I SAS, a company incorporated under French Law.

Cofinimmo owns 51% of its capital and the ORPEA Group 49%. For more

details, see Note 42.

NOTE 46.


No major events occurred after the closing date that could have a signifi-

cant impact on the figures at 31.12.2013.

The amount of the dividend proposed to the shareholders at the

Ordinary General Meeting of 14.05.2014 is €101,430,510.00 for the ordi-

nary shares and €4,386,904.34 for the preference shares. For more

details, see Note 32.