Number of ordinary shares issued (including treasury shares)
17,339,423 16,954,002
Number of preference shares issued and not converted
Number of ordinary shares entitled to share in the result of the period
17,285,009 16,905,085
Number of preference shares entitled to share in the result of the period
Total number of shares entitled to share in the result of the period
17,971,494 17,593,767
Comments on the consolidated income statement –
Analytical form
net rental income
amounts to €195.8 million at 31.12.2014, a
level comparable to that at 31.12.2013 (€195.2 million). The item
“Writeback of lease payments sold and discounted” comes from
€25.3 million at 31.12.2013 to €15.9 million at 31.12.2014, mainly as
a result of the sale of the shares of Galaxy Properties, owner of
the North Galaxy office building, on 12.05.2014. The
property result
amounts to €208.1 million at 31.12.2014, compared to €216.9 million
at 31.12.2013, i.e. a decrease of 4.1%.
Direct and indirect operating costs represent 0.85% of the average
value of the assets under management at 31.12.2014, compared
to 0.83% at 31.12.2013. The
operating result (before result on the
stands at €177.7 million at 31.12.2014, versus €185.6 million
one year before.
financial result (excluding IAS 39 impact)
amounts to
€-51.4 million at 31.12.2014, compared to €-61.2 million at 31.12.2013.
The average cost of debt, including bank margins
, decreased from
3.9% at 31.12.2013 to 3.4% at 31.12.2014, namely as a result of the
cancellation of FLOOR options on 12.05.2014. The average debt level
also decreased (€1,593.4 million at 31.12.2014, versus €1,685.8 mil-
lion at 31.12.2013).
The item “
Revaluation of derivative financial instruments
” stands
at €-136.1 million at 31.12.2014. It includes the costs related to the
restructuring of the interest rate hedging instruments for €-57 mil-
This manily consists in the recycling under the income state-
ment of discontinued hedging instruments. Their negative value
had already been taken into account as negative reserves under
equity. This restructuring is related to certain hedging instruments
for the period 2014-2017, for a notional amount of €600 million. It
resulted in an immediate outlay of €57 million, which will be com-
pensated by significantly lower interest charges during the next
four years.
On the other hand, it includes the effect of the decreasing inter-
est rates on the instruments which were not restructured for
€-71 million.
The net current result - Group share
amounts to €-15.7 million
at 31.12.2014, compared to €104.9 million at 31.12.2013. Per share,
these figures stand at €-0.87 at 31.12.2014 and €5.96 at 31.12.2013.
Excluding the IAS 39 impact, the net current result - Group share
amounts to €125.0 million at 31.12.2014, compared to €123.6 million
at 31.12.2013. Per share, these figures stand at €6.70 at 31.12.2014
and €6.78 at 31.12.2013.
Within the result on the portfolio,
the realised gains or losses
on disposals of investment properties and other non-financial
amount to €-22.4 million at 31.12.2014 and mainly comprise
the €24 million loss realised on the sale of the North Galaxy office
building. This loss results mainly from the difference between the
price received by Cofinimmo for the shares of Galaxy Properties
SA/NV, company which owns the building, and their book value,
and, incidentally, from the cancellation of the writeback of lease
payments sold and discounted booked since 01.01.2014.
change in the fair value of investment properties
comes from
€-26.3 million at 31.12.2013 to €-5.5 million at 31.12.2014. The value
decrease of the office buildings to be renovated in the short term
is compensated namely by a value increase of the Livingstone II
office building, following the announcement of the letting to the
European Commission, and by a value increase of the health-
care assets in Belgium and France, resulting mainly from lease
indexations. On a like-for-like basis, the fair value of the investment
properties slightly decreased since 31.12.2013 (-0.2%).
net result – Group share
amounts to €-52.7 million at
31.12.2014, compared to €58.7 million at 31.12.2013. Per share, these
figures stand at €-2.93 at 31.12.2014 and €3.34 at 31.12.2013.
Paid margins to be added to the floating rate (Euribor).