Nine priority issues
As a leader in its market and a listed company, Cofinimmo must demonstrate transparency and ethics in the conduct of
its activities at all times.
In recent decades, the real estate sector has often been singled out for shady or even illegal practices such as
undeclared employment, corruption, social dumping, etc. These practices are counter to the principles of sustainable
development, fair treatment, equal opportunities and respect for others.
Cofinimmo plays an active role in improving the image of the real estate sector.
Business ethics
Responses / actions
Since 2004, Cofinimmo has applied the Corporate Governance
which recommends transparency regarding decisions
taken, from the Board of Directors to each individual employee. On a
daily basis, Cofinimmo employees comply with the Code of Conduct
and corporate values. Any form of corruption is prohibited by very
strict rules governingcalls for tenders, by application of the double
signature method for any commitments, the approval of financial
statements by an external auditor, the presence of an internal
auditor and the adoption of a “whistleblowing” policy
In 2015, Cofinimmo will continue to comply rigorously with the
best transparency and ethics rules. The operating principles will
be extended to other countries (Germany for instance) and other
business lines, including subcontracted activities.
Corporate Governance rules are set out in detail in the 2014 Annual Financial
Report, from page 100.
Every employee must be able to report any ethical issue to his knowledge,
without thinking he is endangering his relation to the company.