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Page Background


• Renovation of 2.7% of the total portfolio

(excluding new constructions and


• Increase in the coverage of monitoring

of consumption data: 75% of healthcare

real estate data and 5% of property of

distribution networks.

• Remotely readable meters in nine

additional buildings in 2016 and in all multi-

tenant office buildings in 2018.

• BREEAM in Use certification application

for nine buildings in 2016 and BREEAM

International certification for two

redevelopment projects.

• Green Charter for 30% of office space

areas for 2018.

In conducting its business, Cofinimmo believes that it

has a duty to actively contribute to the global efforts to

reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is why it signed

the open letter of support to the Belgian delegation for

the promotion of an ambitious agreement at the COP21

Conference in December 2015. The objectives of this

agreement were to follow the recommendations of the

IPCC* and to meet the greenhouse gas reduction targets

of 70% (instead of 40%) by 2050, compared with 2010.

Real estate is an energy consumer. One of Cofinimmo’s

main objectives is to improve the energy performance

of its portfolio and reduce its ecological footprint. The

company has put in place a programme aimed at the

BREEAM certification for the renovations and the BREEAM

in Use certification for the management of existing

buildings. Through this certification system, it has a

dual objective: continuously improve the environmental

performance of its buildings and improve their

commercial competitiveness. It is striving to make as

much progress as possible in terms of energy efficiency,

often beyond legal obligations, within the limits of the

economic profitability objective.

Cofinimmo is gradually improving its knowledge of the

equipments and their consumption in its buildings.

Remotely readable meters connect the equipment to

the energy accounting software, implemented in 2013.

The software collates all the consumption data for all the

common areas managed by Cofinimmo, as well as private

consumption data provided by tenants on a voluntary

basis. Installations consuming the most energy can thus

be identified, and the portfolio’s energy costs can be


Cofinimmo is convinced that the owner and tenants have

a shared interest in reducing the environmental impact

of a leased space. It urges its office tenants to sign a

Green Charter, a long-term collaboration agreement

making it possible to share consumption data, put in

place initiatives to reduce consumption, optimise sorting

of waste, etc.

2015 achievements

Redevelopment/large-scale renovation of 1.1% of the

total portfolio.

Continued integration of consumption data of

buildings into the energy accounting system. The

following are now tracked:

97 % of the office portfolio (88 % in 2014);

43 % of the healthcare real estate portfolio (9 % in


1 % of the portfolio of pubs/restaurants (0 % in 2014).

Remotely readable meters in 15 additional office

buildings. Since 31.12.2015, 27 office buildings have

been connected to the energy accounting software.

Installation of two units for production of renewable

electricity through photovoltaic panels: one at the

Paepsem Business Park site in Brussels and the other

* IPCC: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was created in 1988 in order to provide detailed assessments of the state of scientific, technical, and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its

causes, its potential impacts, and response strategies. –

at the Cockx 8-10 (Omega Court) site in Brussels.

Production has been fully operational since February

2016. It is estimated at 270 MWh and 75 MWh per

year respectively. The total production of photovoltaic

electricity in the portfolio is therefore approximately

one GWh per year (private and common facilities).

Two BREEAM in Use certificates were extended.

Renewal of the ISO 14001:2004 certification for the

property management of the office portfolio and for

the project management of major works.

Signing of a Green Charter by 23 tenants, covering

110,799 m², 17 % of the office portfolio.

Update of the carbon report of the headquarters

on the basis of 2014 data. The company’s carbon

footprint has increased. Over the past five years, it has

increased from 592 tons of CO


e in 2009 to 756 tons

of CO


e in 2014. This is explained by the geographic

diversification of the assets. The most important

source of emissions (55 %) comes from travel

(company cars, business travel, commuting, travels by

our visitors).

2016-2018 OBJECTIVES