> 10
> 15
> 5
> 0
• Study of different innovative solutions to
gradually reduce the number of parking
spaces in response to the desire of the
public authorities in Brussels;
• Installation of charging points for electric
vehicles in 16 additional buildings;
• Improvement of the infrastructure for
2015 achievements
Assessment of the overall office portfolio with regard
to accessibility by public transport
This evaluation was performed by CO2logic
(www.co2logic.com), according to a methodology
based on different standards and criteria, such as the
type of transport (train, metro, tram, bus, bicycle), the
number of transport lines, the distance to the nearest
stops and train stations, and the average transport
frequency in a day. The result of this assessment
is reflected in the performance indicators below.
This method also facilitates the assessment of the
accessibility of any new planned acquisition.
Increase in the number of shared parking spaces
In partnership with BePark
(www.bepark.eu), since
2012, Cofinimmo has made its head office parking
spaces available to local residents outside office
hours through prior enrollment. This partnership was
extended to the Cockx 8-10 (Omega Court) building
in Brussels where 62 spaces are now available 24/7,
bringing the total number of shared parking spaces in
Cofinimmo’s portfolio to 122.
Review of the company’s vehicle policy
Travel accounts for 50% of the company’s carbon
footprint. For this reason, Cofinimmo remains very
attentive to reducing its vehicle fleet’s average CO
emissions. It raises awareness among its employees
by publishing fuel consumptions, making a shared
electric vehicle available, and supporting travel
alternatives and carpooling through a dedicated
site specific to the company. As part of its mobility
policy, Cofinimmo offers its employees the choice of
combined mobility: car-bicycle, car-public transport.
Installation of charging points for electric vehicles
In 2015, three charging points have been installed in
two buildings of the office portfolio. Two are intended
for the occupants of the buildings, and the third is
added to the network accessible to the public at large.
Performance indicators
Shared and
public parking spaces
Charging points for
electric vehicles
Proximity of public transport in relation to
the office portfolio
2016 Objectives
charging point accessible
to the public in the Prins
Boudewijnlaan 41 office
building in 2650 Edegem.
charging points for tenants
of the Brand Whitlock
87-93 office building in
1200 Brussels.
These 322 spaces represent 2.5% of parking
spaces available in the offices portfolio.
The entire office portfolio, i.e.,
96 buildings*
, underwent an
evaluation with regard to accessibility by public transport (train,
tram, bus, and metro) and bicycle.
The factors of exclusion are as follows:
train stations located more than 1,200 m away;
tram and metro stations located more than 800 m away;
bus stops located more than 600 m away;
shared bicycles stations located more than 200 m away;
unprotected bicycle paths.
*Number of individual office buildings, office spaces in the PPP segment included. Some sites may include several buildings.
public parking spaces
shared parking spaces