Risk Factors /
Financial Management
Cofinimmo’s financial policy aims to optimise the financing cost and to limit the Group’s liquidity risk and counterparty risk.
See also the chapter “Management of Financial Resources” of this Annual Financial Report.
Interest rate derivatives being measured at market value.
Financial and banking
markets unfavourable to
real estate and/or
to Cofinimmo
1. Access to credit impeded and more expensive.
2. Reduced liquidity.
Rigorous financial policy (1,2):
• diversification of financing sources between the banking
market (47%) and various capital market segments (47%);
• stable, well-spread banking pool;
• well-balanced spread of maturities over time. Full cover of the
treasury bills programme. (1)
Sufficient reserve of undrawn portions of confirmed credit lines
to cover medium-term operational/acquisition/construction
expenditures and short-term refinancing. (1,2)
Insolvency of financial or
banking counterparties
Negative impact on the results.
Diversified number of banking counterparties with good
financial ratings.
Changes in (future)
market interest rates
1. Revaluation of the financial instruments
2. Negative impact on the financial charges.
3. Negative impact on the net asset value and the
result of the period.
4. (Negative) change of the Group’s rating, with a
negative impact on the financing cost and the
liquidity (see “Change of the Group’s rating”).
Part of the debt is contracted at floating rate or immediate
conversion from fixed to floating rate.
Interest rates locked in over a period of minimum three years for
at least 50% of the debt.
Use of derivative instruments (Interest Rate Swaps and CAP and
FLOOR options) to lock the interest rate into a corridor between a
minimum and a maximum rate. (1,2,3)
In 2014, assuming the debt structure and level remain identical
to those at 31.12.2013, and taking into account the hedging
instruments put in place for 2014, a 0.5% increase or decrease
in interest rates would result in no significant change of the
financial cost.
At 31.12.2013, 27.52% of the debt is financed at a fixed rate, while
72.48% is financed at a floating rate.
In the absence of hedging, an interest rate increase of ten basis
points would increase charges by €1.2 million.
Approximately 90% of the floating rate debt is hedged using
derivatives until 2015.
Increase in credit margins
Increase in financial charges.
Diversification of the sources of borrowed capital to optimise
the average credit margins. Capital raised for the medium or
long term at fixed margins.
Non-renewal or
termination of the
financing contracts
Negative impact on liquidity.
Nine renowned banks.
Various financing forms: bank debt, convertible and non-
convertible bond issues, etc.
Refinancing performed at least 12 months in advance in order to
optimise the conditions and the liquidity.
Change in the fair value of
hedging instruments
Positive or negative impact on shareholders’ equity
and the intrinsic value per share.
If Cofinimmo had closed its positions at 31.12.2013,
the settlement amount would have stood at
€-105.44 million (vs. €-177.2 million at 31.12.2012).
The cost of closing the positions if the interest
rates had been 1% above or below the reference
rates, would have stood at €-28.21 million (vs.
€-157.09 million at 31.12.2012) and €-185.26 million
(vs. €-198.87 million at 31.12.2012) respectively.
Cofinimmo uses hedging for its entire portfolio, not for specific
credit lines.