Aesthetics, respect
of public spaces and
diversity of districts
Cofinimmo wishes to participate in the
city’s aesthetics and harmony by giving
architects the opportunity to express their
art. It pays special attention to the quality
of façades (wether visible or hidden).
The choice of materials is essential as it
facilitates maintenance and guarantees the
long-term nature of their appearance.
Cofinimmo can have an influence on the
diversity of districts through its investment
decisions, even if they are initially based
on economic considerations. Its business
allows it to recreate housing in office areas
by reconverting empty office buildings into
residential accommodation. In new redevel-
opment projects, it can plan diversity from
the design stage.
Reconversion of the Livingstone I office
building into 122 housing units.
Reconversion of the Woluwe 34 office
building into 69 housing units.
Competition for the renovation project of
the Arts/Kunsten 19H building.
Belliard 40: a project which will combine
offices, housing and retail spaces and
bring a new dynamic to Rue Belliard/
Belliardstraat. The project received
the IBGE/BIM “Exemplary Building 2011”
Employee training
Human capital represents a major com-
petitive advantage which can make the
difference. In the medium term, Cofinimmo
encourages the professional and personal
development of each of its 114 employees
throughout their career. Its objective is for
everyone to benefit from specific training
to improve their technical knowledge,
reinforce their talents and benefit from
personal development opportunities. In the
longer term, it aims to ensure an end of
career that has plenty of challenges while
being free of future worries.
The label “Investor in People” (IIP) stresses
the essential deployment of knowledge.
The Human Resources department estab-
lishes, with the help of the line managers
and the staff members, an individual devel-
opment plan, covering languages, infor-
mation and communication technologies,
technical skills as well as soft skills. Along
classic training, the company selectively
offers its employees long-term postgrad-
uate training, in Belgium or, in exceptional
cases, abroad.
In 2014, almost 93% of Cofinimmo’s staff
members received training, representing
a total cumulated amount of 2,250 hours
and a corresponding budget of almost
1.6% of the gross payroll, broken down
evenly among employees (sex, age, etc.).
On a total of 321 days of training received
by staff members, 30 were specifically
dedicated to various themes of corporate
responsibility, such as management of
diversity, respect for the environment,
energy performance of buildings and sus-
tainable development.
Investors in People: Cofinimmo is aiming for
the “Gold” level in 2018.