Governance structure
Cofinimmo’s Corporate Social Responsibility is ensured by the
Sustainability Committee, which objective is to continuously
identify and evaluate all the elements contributing to sustainable
development. This Committee is comprised of ten people represent-
ing, on the one hand, the departments which are directly involved in
the management of the Group’s real estate portfolio, throughout all
segments (Property Management, Project Management, Property
Services) and, on the other hand, the legal, communication and
human resources departments. It is chaired by the Head of Property
Services & CSR, who reports directly to the Executive Committee.
The role of the Sustainability Committee includes:
to propose concrete and economically sound measures to
improve the environmental performance of the company, its
portfolio and, by extension, the spaces occupied by its tenants;
to develop initiatives to better integrate CSR in the Group’s
to ensure that the Group complies with legal prescriptions, both
national and international, in terms of environement;
to communicate realisations to all stakeholders.
Each member of the Sustainability Committee is a true ambassador
of Cofinimmo’s actions in terms of sustainable development. Along
with management, he/she contributes to the evolution of the corpo-
rate culture towards a more sustainable approach of its activities.
Cofinimmo also has a full-time Environmental Manager. Member
of the Sustainability Committee, her mission is to monitor on the
ground, hand in hand with the operational teams, the implemen-
tation of the Group’s environmental strategy throughout all activity
The strategic proposals with regard to sustainable development
are validated or amended by the Executive Committe which, in turn,
submits them for validation to the Board of Directors in the context
of the annual review of the global corporate strategy.
Performance and targets
Cofinimmo establishes key performance indicators based on the
EPRA reference system. These are calculated based on information
collected from the manager of the property portfolio, Cofinimmo
Services and occupants. They relate to the office portfolio, as well
as part of the healthcare portfolio.
Targets achieved in previous years, as well as those for 2014 and
future years, are displayed in a dashboard.
For more details on the performance indicators, environmental tar-
gets and the Auditor’s report concerning environmental indicators,
consult our website
ment/Performances & objectives.
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Head of Property Services
& Corporate Social Responsibility
We believe in a sustainable development of cities
per district, which takes into account a balance of
uses. Offices, residential buildings, retail spaces
and green areas must coexist and unifunctional
districts must progressively disappear.
Sustainable development