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In order to diversify its sources of financing, the Group has access to

credit lines signed with nine first-rate financial institutions. At 31.12.2013,

the credit lines were made up of:

€816.9 million of bilateral and syndicated medium- and long-term



, with original maturity periods of between three and ten years,

contracted from nine banks;

€15.4 million of other loans and advances (mainly account debits and

rental guarantees received).


At 31.12.2013, Cofinimmo’s short-term financial debt alone amounted to

€455.5 million, including:

€204.4 million of two bonds with a nominal value of €100.0 million

each, maturing in July and November 2014;

€140.0 million of two credit lines maturing in 2014;

€103.2 million of commercial papers with a term of under one year;

the issue of short-term commercial papers is fully covered by

undrawn portions of the confirmed long-term credit facilities totaling

€613.7 million; Cofinimmo thus benefits from the attractive cost of

this short-term financing programme, while securing its refinancing

if the placement of new commercial papers was to become more

expensive or impracticable;

€7.9 million of other loans and advances (account debits).

The credit lines maturing in 2014 (€140.0 million) are 100% refinanced.


The average weighted maturity of the Cofinimmo financial commitments

(excluding the short-term maturities of commercial papers, which are fully

covered by the undrawn portions of long-term credit facilities and exclud-

ing the maturities for which the refinancing is already in place) remained

stable at 3.84 years at 31.12.2013. The long-term confirmed financial credit

lines (bank lines, bonds, commercial papers of over one year and capital

leases), with outstandings totaling €2,189.5 million on 31.12.2013, display

a homogeneously spread maturity profile up to 2020, with a maximum of

19% of these outstandings maturing during the same year 2016. 100% of

the debts maturing in 2014 and 58% of those maturing in 2015 have been



The average interest rate on the Cofinimmo debt, including bank mar-

gins, stood at 3.92% during the financial year 2013, against 3.77% during

the financial year 2012


(also see page 15 and Note 15).

At 31.12.2013, the majority of the debt was at short-term floating rate.

The convertible bonds of €190.8 million remained at fixed rate as well

as the second withdrawal of €40.0 million of the private placement

maturing in 2020 and the private placement of €50.0 million maturing

in 2017. Consequently, the company is exposed to a greater risk of a rise

in short-term rates, which could have a negative impact on its financial

result. Therefore, Cofinimmo uses hedging instruments such as CAPs,

generally combined with the sale of FLOORs, or IRS contracts to par-

tially cover its overall debt (see the chapter “Risk Factors” of this Annual

Financial Report).

During 2013, Cofinimmo restructured its interest rate hedging scheme.

COLLARs, consisting of CAPs bought combined with FLOORs sold, were

cancelled for the period 2013-2015. The goal of this cancellation was two-

fold. First, convertible bonds were issued for an amount of €190.8 million

at a fixed coupon of 2%, thereby reducing the floating rate debt. Second,

Cofinimmo saw the opportunity to reduce the expected charges of the

sold FLOORs for 2014 and 2015.

The total cost of the restructuring stands at €25.5 million, of which

€20.4 million have been recognised in the income statement at



. The outstanding amount will be recognised in the income

statements of 2014 and 2015, in accordance with the applying account-

ing principles. In total, at 31.12.2013, at constant debt, the interest rate

risk is hedged at over 90% until mid 2017.

The situation at 31.12.2013 of interest rate hedging for future years is

set out in Note 23.

At the time of the writing of this Annual Financial Report, the hedging

rate of the interest rate risk, assuming constant debts, is around 88%

until 2016, 82% until 2017, and almost 77% in 2018 and 2019. Cofinimmo’s

result nevertheless remains sensitive to interest rate fluctuations (see

the chapter “Risk Factors” of this Annual Financial Report).


Including a Schuldschein or debt certificate entered into with two German banks.


Until the end of 2012, the calculation of the average interest rate on borrowings included the depreciation costs of hedging instruments pertaining to the period. As a result of the

restructuration of the hedging scheme in 2013, the method used for the calculation of the average interest rate on borrowings has been reviewed and no longer includes these costs. If this

calculation method had been applied at 31.12.2012, the average interest rate on borrowings would have stood at 3.77%, instead of 4.11% as published in the Annual Financial Report 2012.


Under the item “Changes in the fair value of financial assets and liabilities” of the global result according to the Royal Decree of 07.12.2010 and under the item “Revaluation of derivative

financial instruments (IAS39)” of the income statement - analytical format.

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Management of Financial Resources

\ Management Report