Evolution of the portfolio in 2015
During 2015, Cofinimmo invested 78.0 million EUR in new acquisitions,
including 75.7 million EUR in the healthcare real estate segment,
2.0 million EUR in the MAAF insurance agencies network and 0.3 mil-
lion EUR in the office segment.
Extensions and redevelopments
Moreover, Cofinimmo invested 28.2 million EUR in extensions and rede-
velopments in healthcare real estate.
Cofinimmo also devoted a total of 24.9 million EUR to renovations,
mainly in the office and the Pubstone pubs/restaurants portfolios.
Under its strategy of asset rotation, Cofinimmo sold assets, mainly
offices and healthcare assets, for a net total price, after deduction
of transaction costs and fees, of 205.0 million EUR. Each transaction
resulted in a gain or was realised at a price in line with the investment
value determined by the expert. Moreover, the overall weighted aver-
age gain on these disposals reached 1.0%.
This amount does not include the sale of the shares of the companies
Livingstone II SA/NV and Silverstone SA/NV, respectively owner of the
buildings Livingstone II and 20 nursing and care homes in Belgium.
These sales generated a realised accounting gain of 20.4 million EUR,
incorporated into the capital gains and losses on disposals of
In investment value.
Evolution of the consolidated portfolio in 2015
(x 1,000,000 EUR)
PORTFOLIO AT 01.01.2015
Constructions and renovations
Net disposal value
Realised gains and losses compared with the last annual
estimated value
Writeback of lease payments sold - value reconstitution
Change in the investment value of the portfolio
PORTFOLIO AT 31.12.2015
Asset management for third parties
Since 2013, the Cofinimmo Group started an Asset Management
activity for third parties (see the “Risk Factors” chapter in this Annual
Financial Report).
This activity is carried out on an ancillary basis by the subsidiary
Cofinimmo Investment et Services (CIS) and complies with the thresh-
olds imposed by Article 6 of the RREC Act of 12.05.2014:
the subsidiary’s pre-tax result may not exceed 10% of the
consolidated pre-tax result and changes in fair value of the buildings
and financial assets and liabilities of the public regulated real estate
company (i.e. 1% at 31.12.2015);
total assets under management may not exceed 10% of the Public
Regulated Real Estate Company’s consolidated assets (i.e. 4% at
In addition, its contribution does not exceed the materiality thresh-
old of 10% of revenues and net profits of CIS before tax (i.e. 4% at
At 31.12.2015, CIS managed a portfolio of six healthcare assets in