Social responsibility approach
Their expectations
Our responses
Shareholders and investors:
private or institutional
shareholders, bankers.
A stable dividend.
Profitability and a return on investment.
A low risk profile.
Transparent financial information.
A long-term relationship.
Ethical behaviour.
Repayment of debts and interests.
A clear investment policy in four business segments:
offices, healthcare real estate, property of distribution
networks and Public-Private Partnerships.
The quest for long-term income.
Transparent financial information, controlled by the
Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA): annual
financial report, attendance at investor fairs, General
Meeting, etc.
Application of the corporate governance code.
Stakeholder dialogue
Cofinimmo is aware of the impact of its activities at every stage
in a building’s life and conducts a permanent dialogue with
That is why it organises consultation meetings with local residents,
the authorities, shopkeepers, etc. from the design and building
permit application stage, allowing it to balance the interests of all
stakeholders, such as protection for natural protected areas, herit-
age conservation, traffic in the district, shopkeepers’ businesses,
inhabitants’ well-being, etc. It also takes into account occupants’
future needs and a sufficient level of profitability to remunerate
During buildings’ operational stage, Cofinimmo regularly meets its
clients to assess their needs and their level of satisfaction.
Cofinimmo is aware of the value of its human capital and improves
and develops in a variety of areas essential to the motivation and
commitment of each of its employees: transparent and proactive
communication; assessment, feedback and reward processes;
individual and team coaching; training culture; work/life balance;
accountability; etc. In 2012, Cofinimmo’s Investors in People (IiP)
label was renewed for the third time. It is now the first Belgian
company to have achieved “Silver” status. The label is due to be
renewed for the fourth time in January 2015. Cofinimmo’s objective
is to achieve Gold status by 2018.
Cofinimmo maintains an ongoing relationship with a wide range of
stakeholders. It is both a real estate company that invests in bricks
and mortar as well as allowing the public to invest in real estate
indirectly via its stock exchange listing. Cofinimmo sometimes
interacts with stakeholders in several ways at once. A banker, for
instance, may be a supplier of capital as well as a tenant or local
resident of one of our buildings
15% of the office portfolio is covered by Green Charters on 31.12.2014
Investors in People is a management framework for high performance through
people. The IiP certification is recognised worldwide as an excellence brand.
IiP optimises the performance by promoting the best practices in managing
people or organisations equipped with the necessary tools for success. The
organisations that demonstrate the standard Investors in People norm obtain
the IiP certification after a rigorous and objective evaluation in order to determine
their performance.