Nine priority issues
Nine priority issues
By investing in Cofinimmo shares on the stock market, sharehold-
ers support the company’s development despite the upward or
downward economic fluctuations which may occur.
Cofinimmo is aware of this and therefore does its utmost to
maintain a moderate risk profile responding to its shareholders’
In order to respond to this objective, Cofinimmo has adopted
a long-term income-generation strategy through the following
The diversification of the real estate portfolio in order to find
new guaranteed long-term income sources.
Trade-offs on the property portfolio involving the sale of the
riskiest assets in favour of more stable assets.
The conversion of buildings: from offices to residential or other
uses, taking into account market demand.
Control over costs by a team of professionals
Furthermore, Cofinimmo’s status as a SIR/GVV (Société Immobilière
Réglementée / Gereglementeerde Vastgoedvennootschap) limits
the amount of risk-taking authorised and guarantees the compul-
sory distribution of at least 80% of net income to shareholders.
Shareholders’ equity
Responses / actions
Profitability is an essential factor for the company, enabling it to assume its responsibilities and pursue its activity.
This factor provides a measurement of the effectiveness and value which clients perceive in Cofinimmo’s products
and services. It is vital for allocation of the necessary resources and maintenance of the investments on which its
development and production of its services depend. The company cannot fully assume its responsibilities if profits are
insufficient or its financial basis is fragile.
The Cofinimmo share should contribute to the prosperity of its shareholders and investors. This objective includes the
distribution of a high and steady dividend and preservation of the investment.
Cofinimmo must also have access to financing sources at the lowest possible cost and with sufficient diversity to
reduce risk and guarantee the company’s long-term future.
Profitability for investors and
access to capital
Our detailed investment and financing policy can be found in our 2014 Annual
Financial Report.
Sabine Denis, Business & Society, General Manager
Cofinimmo can only meet its objectives in terms of sustainable
management of its assets providing their profitability is sufficient
to give it continuous access to capital markets, in terms of both
borrowing and shareholder equity.