Buildings must achieve optimal energy performances to reduce CO
emissions resulting from their use.
From 2020, all new buildings in Europe will have to comply with passive standards. This is an opportunity for Cofinimmo
to differentiate itself by anticipating regulations. More energy-efficient buildings are commercially more attractive. They
offer greater comfort to occupants for a lower level of charges.
It should be noted however, that the approach differs according to segments. In the offices segment, Cofinimmo is
often involved in both the construction/renovation phase and the day-to-day management of a majority of buildings.
This allows it to have an influence over energy consumption from the moment the building is occupied. Its involvement
is limited for the other segments. Management of energy consumption is carried out by the occupants themselves.
Nine priority issues
Energy consumption and
Responses / actions
Cofinimmo is striving to make as much progress as possible
in terms of energy efficiency, often beyond legal obligations,
within the limits of the economic profitability objective. In
2014, 2.4% of the real estate portfolio has been the subject of
redevelopment or major refurbishment in order to enhance their
energy performance. Within the next three years, Cofinimmo
plans new renovations for 4.2% of its portfolio.
In 2013, it invested in an energy data management software
programme to facilitate the identification of potential sources
of savings and the impact of investments made to reduce
consumption in office buildings. All consumption data from
all communal areas managed by Cofinimmo are included, as
well as private consumption figures supplied by tenants on
a voluntary basis. Since 2014, nursing home consumption
has been gradually incorporated into this energy accounting.
Consumption of buildings in other segments will follow. The
objective for 2018 is to include at least 25% of healthcare
real estate data and 5% of data from distribution real estate
Installing remotely-readable meters made it possible to identify
the installations consuming the most energy. In 2014, 12 office
buildings were fitted with these meters. The aim is to fit out all
multi-tenant office buildings with remotely-readable meters at
a rate of 20 buildings per year (by the end of 2018 at the latest).
Since 2007, Cofinimmo signed up to green electricity for all
communal areas managed by the Group. Purchase volumes
are around 45 GWh per year, a saving of 20,385 tonnes of CO
which is the equivalent of nine medium-power wind turbines.
Since 2011, Cofinimmo has expanded its ISO 14001:2004
certification to Property Management of office buildings and
Project Management (major work and renovation) on buildings
in all segments combined.
The objective of obtaining BREEAM and BREEAM In Use
environmental certification is twofold: on the one hand to
improve the commercial competitiveness of its buildings,
and on the other hand to introduce processes for continual
improvement in the portfolio’s environmental performance. This
certification system assesses buildings’ performances in the
fields of energy, water, materials, pollution, soil management
and ecology, health and well-being, waste and mobility.
Cofinimmo will pursue BREEAM In Use certification for its office
buildings, while prioritising those currently being marketed.
The last carbon audit on the head office was in 2010. This will
be updated in 2015.
Cost saving will only be maximised when there is a dialogue between the different players at
every stage of a building’s life cycle, as well as a wish to improve: a search for a creative solution
together with the architects as from the design phase, a professional execution of the works by
the contractors, qualitative operation of the technical facilities by maintenance firms, but also
responsible building occupation by tenants. Cofinimmo must promote this dialogue.
Jean Van Buggenhout, Cofinimmo, Head of Property Services & CSR