All 21 challenges identified by family
Indirect job creation
Safety and well-being*
Fight against illegal employment
Aesthetics, respect for public spaces
and the diversity of districts*
Access for people with disabilities
Access to housing for all
Employee training*
Respect for differences and cultural
Peter-Paul Ramselaar, European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and
Logistics in Brussels (OIB), Head of “Buildings policy” sector
Cofinimmo could stand out by tackling sustainability
challenges not yet addressed by legislation. Those
relating to environmental protection, i.e. energy
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions have
already been largely covered by European directives.
We can see that some environmental themes are not considered
a priority. This does not indicate disinterest by Cofinimmo. It is
explained by the fact that these themes are mostly subject to fairly
strict legislation, forcing companies to address them, irrespective
of their perceived importance for the company. Soil pollution, for
example, is subject to considerable legislation. During any acquisi-
tion or sale, we look for traces of any historic pollution and, where
necessary, conduct soil testing.
• Innovation*
• Profitability for investors and
access to capital*
• Type of occupation
• Business ethics*
Energy consumption and CO
Construction waste
Waste linked to occupation
Use of sustainable/recycled materials
Water consumption
Impact on green spaces
Noise pollution
Disturbances linked to occupation
* main challenges