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Notes to the consolidated accounts



Cofinimmo’s acquisition in two stages (31.10.2007 and 27.11.2008) of

89.90% of the shares of Pubstone Group SA/NV (formerly Express

Properties SA/NV) (see page 31 of the 2008 Annual Financial Report)

generated a goodwill for Cofinimmo resulting from the positive dif-

ference between the acquisition cost and Cofinimmo’s share in the

fair value of the net asset acquired. More specifically, this goodwill

results from:

the positive difference between the conventional value offered

for the property assets at the acquisition (on which the price

paid for the shares was based) and the fair value of these

property assets (being expressed after deduction of the

transfer duties standing at 10.0% or 12.5% in Belgium and at

6.0% in the Netherlands);

the deferred tax corresponding to the theoretical assumption

required under IAS/IFRS of an immediate disposal of all the

properties at the closing date. A tax rate of respectively

34% and 25% for the assets located in Belgium and in the

Netherlands has been applied to the difference between the

tax value and the market value of the assets at the acquisition.

Cofinimmo Investissements et Services (CIS)

Cofinimmo’s acquisition of 100% of the shares of Cofinimmo

Investissements et Services (CIS) SA (formerly Cofinimmo France SA)

on 20.03.2008 generated a goodwill for Cofinimmo resulting from the

positive difference between the acquisition cost and the fair value of

the net asset acquired. More specifically, this goodwill results from

the positive difference between the conventional value offered for

the property assets at the acquisition (on which the price paid for

the shares was based) and the fair value of these property assets

(being expressed after deduction of the transfer duties standing at

1.8% and 6.2% in France).

Changes in the goodwill

(x €1,000)





CIS France



AT 01.01.2014





AT 31.12.2014






AT 01.01.2014




Writedowns recorded during the financial year



AT 31.12.2014




Book value

AT 01.01.2014





AT 31.12.2014





Impairment test

At the end of the financial year 2014, the goodwill was subject

to an impairment test (executed on the groups of properties to

which it was allocated per country), by comparing the fair value

of the properties plus the goodwill to their value in use.

The fair value of the buildings is the value of the portfolio as

established by the independent real estate experts. This fair value

is established using three valuation methods: the ERV (Estimated

Rental Value) capitalisation approach, the expected cash flow

approach and the residual valuation approach. To carry out the

calculation, the independent real estate experts take as main

assumptions the indexation rate, the discount rate and the build-

ings’ estimated end-of-lease disposal value. These assumptions

are based on market observations taking into account investors’

expectations, particularly regarding revenue growth and market

risk premium. For further information, see the Report of the Real

Estate Experts of this Annual Financial Report.

The value in use is established by the Group according to

expected future net cash flows based on the rents stipulated in

the tenants’ leases, the expenses to maintain and manage the

property portfolio, and the expected gains from disposals. The

main assumptions are the indexation rate, the discount rate, an

attrition rate (number of buildings and corresponding volume of

revenues for which the tenant will terminate the lease, year after

year), as well as the buildings’ end-of-lease disposal value. These

assumptions are based on the Group’s knowledge of its own port-

folio. The yield expected from its equity is used as discount rate.

Given the different methods used to calculate the fair value of the

buildings as established by the independent real estate experts

and the value in use as established by the Group, as well as the

fact that the assumptions used to calculate each of these may

differ, the two values may not be the same and the differences

can be justified.

For 2014, the result of this test (illustrated in the table below)

leads to an impairment of K€11,000 on the goodwill of Pubstone

Belgium. For Pubstone Netherlands and CIS France, no impair-

ment was recorded. During the financial year 2014, the fair values

of Pubstone Belgium and Pubstone Netherlands recorded neg-

ative changes of K€508 and K€1,899 respectively, while the fair

value of CIS France recorded a positive change of K€969.

Assumptions used in the calculation of the value

in use of Pubstone

A projection of future net cash flows was drawn up for the remain-

ing duration of the lease bearing on the rents less the mainte-

nance costs, investments and operating expenses, as well as the

proceeds from asset disposals.

During this remaining period, an attrition rate is taken into account

based on the terms of the lease signed with AB InBev. The build-

ings vacated are assumed to have all been sold. At the end of the

initial 27-year lease, a residual value is calculated. The disposal

price of the properties and the residual value are based on the

average value per square meter of the portfolio determined by the

expert on 31.12.2014, plus a 15% (2013: 20%) margin as from the

fourth year, and indexed at 1% (2013: 1.8%). This margin is based

on the realised gains observed on the sale of cafés/restaurants

since the acquisition of the Pubstone portfolio.

This average margin on the disposals made since 2007 amounts

to 45% and includes not only the margins on the assets vacated

by AB InBev but also the margins on the assets not vacated by AB

InBev and sold. The latter were mostly bought by people having a

special interest in buying the property, for example the operator