

Materiality analysis

Stakeholder dialogue as driver for transition

Fully aware of the impact of its activities, Cofinimmo maintains an ongoing dialogue with its stakeholders at every stage of a building’s life cycle. The aim is to strike a balance between various stakeholder interests, by recognizing the importance of protected natural areas, heritage conservation, local traffic, retail activity, residents’ well-being, etc. It also considers the needs of future occupants and the level of profitability required to compensate its investment.

Priority topics based on major trends

Cofinimmo conducted its first materiality analysis in 2014 conform the GRI Standards and has been reviewing it yearly.

The materiality analysis, shown on the infographic below, consists of three circles, each representing one sustainability pillar. The challenges included in the company’s materiality assessment reflect the importance and impact of these trends for both Cofinimmo and its stakeholders.
The area delineated by the inner circle contains the priority topics for action of the material topics identified internally. The other topics in the materiality analysis are not considered to be a priority and lie outside of this circle. This does not reflect disinterest, but can be explained by the fact that the topics are subject to strict legislation that requires companies to deal with them, irrespective of the perception of their importance within the company, or the fact that these topics have gained maturity within the business processes.

Details of the actions carried out last year and future objectives are listed in a dashboard.

Materiality matrix