
Healthcare RE

Healthcare RE contacts

We have a dedicated healthcare team that combines property management excellence with project development capacity and credit & market monitoring skills.

Sebastien Berden

Healthcare in Belgium, France,
the Netherlands, Ireland and Italy. Business development in new geographies.

Sebastien Berden

Chief Operating Officer Healthcare

+32 2 373 00 00
Avenue de Tervueren/Tervurenlaan 270 | 1150 Brussels | Belgium

Yeliz Bicici

Healthcare in Germany, Spain, and the Nordics

Yeliz Bicici

Chief Operating Officer Offices & Real Estate Development

+32 2 373 00 00
Avenue de Tervueren/Tervurenlaan 270 | 1150 Brussels | Belgium

Stephan Bussing

Stephan Bussing

Head of Project Management

+32 2 373 00 00
Avenue de Tervueren/Tervurenlaan 270 | 1150 Brussels | Belgium